Monday, April 16, 2012

Meet Lentil

Today we got to see our first good pictures of...
our daughter- a.k.a Frazier's sister!

Frazier was right...and I was wrong (yet again). The kid's clairvoyant- he said he was getting a sister and stuck to it. Evidently he doesn't get his abilities from me because my sixth sense is nil. I was sure Frazier was a girl- so much so that there's a little Rubbermaid bin in my attic of little girl stuff that's now about 3 1/2 years old, and I was so sure this one was another boy I didn't want to buy anything pink!

It was such a relief to see her perfectly formed, right on target in every way. We'll have another ultrasound in about ten weeks so we'll get to see her again before too long. Even though it took 45 minutes to finally get the baby to turn right so we could tell, our ultrasound tech didn't sound at all unsure about the gender. It was much easier when we found out Frazier was a boy. It took, like, two minutes. Lentil was just shy...or super comfortable all balled up.

I think I was a little surprised to find that feeling this baby kicking for the first time and seeing her today on the ultrasound was no less exciting, no less miraculous, than it was the first time around with Frazier. I think it may have even been better, because while we watched her wriggle around and punch at me from her cozy little cushioned sack we had Frazier there with us, playing with airplanes on the floor, a huggable reminder of what she'll be when she's with us on the outside. An adorable little person we couldn't stand to be without...who makes every day something special just because she's in it.
"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful.
I know that full well."
Psalm 139:13-14


  1. Ahhhh!!!! Yay!!!! I'm so excited for ya'll! You'll love a little girl so much. :) Time to start saving up for mommy/daughter pedicures. :)

  2. Randi, Josh and Frazier, We are so excited to see our little great granddaughter. So surprised to see the pictures of her and how perfect she looks. We are sure Frazier will be great big brother. God Bless you all
    Great Nama and Great Papa

  3. Time to get out the pink bows and other frilly stuff... how exciting... the pictures are amazing to me as I only had one sonogram and it was very early! These are amazing!!
    Congrats and hope you are feeling well!
    Love from the James'

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so excited for you! You have been such a blessing to me and I can't wait to meet your new blessing!

  5. Wow. Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing. Can't wait to see her face.

  6. Ahh!!! So excited for you guys!!! Little girls are way fun!! As I can only imagine little boys are, too! :)
