Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig

We have been home now from Pennsylvania (Soda's first road trip!) for almost a week. We had excellent travel weather, a fabulous visit with family and a much needed get away. And though it is a bit sad it's over, we're back to our old schedules again and are still basking in the happy memories of last week. Our internet had been on the fritz since before we left, but we finally discovered it was a router issue and got it resolved last night so today I am, at long last, able to post some pictures! All of the baby furniture arrived the week before we left, so we were able to leave the nursery pretty well put together! That was a nice feeling. It's almost entirely ready! I tried to post pics of it before the trip, but as aforementioned, the computer didn't permit me to do so. Here's Josh (and Gatsby) putting together the crib!

I lack only the glider (whose cushions I am recovering) and once that is done I promise to take pictures of the entire nursery and post them ASAP.

Now back to our trip...

Much to our delight (with the exception of Gatsby), and much to the chagrin of all the locals (who have had to live with the white stuff for months, it snowed while we were there!!

I'm dreaming of a white...Easter...This sums up how Gatsby felt about the snow...It had been over a year and a half since we'd last been to Port Allegany, but once we got there it didn't seem that long. The remarkable thing about that place is that it seems rarely to change from one visit to another. It suppose it isn't a lack of actually physical change altogether, though. Buildings and businesses are opened, closed, moved, rebuilt, torn down. People, from time to time, relocate, remarry or pass away. Some people grow older or better or both. Time passes there like it does anywhere else, but the feeling of the place never passes with it. It is always familiar, always sort of refreshing, yet comfy like some favorite old blanket that's been newly washed and dried on a clothesline in the sun. What you get there is not just a slice of life...it's a whole (rhubarb) pie! I always feel like it's this little world unto itself- this tiny little town hugged by the mountains so far away from home. I love it, and I hope we get to make many trips there with Soda...and I hope when he looks back on them, Port Allegany is the same comfy blanket for him that it is for me and his Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Well said....as usual. I sure hope little Soda gets to go on a hike or two....it was his Dad's favorite thing to do....before there were so many bears around anyway. So glad you made it there and back safely...
