Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sonogram Pictures Take 2

So we had our second 4D sonogram on Friday. I'd really been looking forward to it- I was anxious to see how he'd changed and boy had he!! He doesn't even look like the same baby- we hardly recognized him; he's filled out so much (nearly quadrupled in size!) His weight estimate was 4 lbs 6 oz. (1lb. 1oz. at the 22 week sonogram). So if you average 1/2 a pound a week for the next 8 weeks...he'll be over 8 lbs. I predicted he'd weigh right at 8 lbs...maybe that was just wishful thinking! Everything else was just fine as far as we could tell. He was head down- Yay!- and since he should be running out of room to roam, chances are he'll stay that way from here on out. We have a doctor's appointment on Monday so I'll find out more then. The reason for the second 4D was to reevaluate the due date (which I've felt from the get go was a little too late). The original due date (based on my last period before we had any ultrasounds to go by) was July 5th and this last sonogram projected it to be the 4th. So, in the interest of being as close to exactly 40 weeks as we can, Dr. Tibiletti scheduled this sonogram and we'll set a new date Monday. Regardless, I've always predicted he'll be late. And since all my other predictions have been wrong...he'll probably surprise us and be early! Here are the pictures of the little guy...he sort of looks like every other baby-in-utero...but the general consensus has been thus far that he looks like me...lucky little thing ;) but we'll see...I always expected to have a little boy that looked just like his Dad. You be the judge:Here's the old traditional profile. Josh says he looks like he's thinking with his little hand to his forehead! This last picture is him holding onto his toes! Can you tell?

I'll keep you posted about our visit Monday.

Happy weekend!

Randi, Josh, Soda, and Gatsby


  1. ahh....what a cute little fella. He has filled out! He looks a bit squished already....hope he doesn't get too big...for him and for you, too! My heart beats a little faster each time I think about is getting closer and it is so exciting. I pray every day that everything will go well. We are gonna get back about June 26th....hope we make it in time!! It would be neat if he was born on the fourth of July!

  2. He is sooo precious! I love his cheeks, and I think I can see a little of both you and Josh in him...I don't know? When they estimated Anniston's weight about a month ago, they said 4lb, 6oz too!! I think I should have been about as far along as you at that point, so looks like we will have us some healthy babies!! yay!
