Sunday, May 23, 2010

Repeat After Me

Frazier has babbled forever now, but just today he said Mama to me!! I'm not sure he knows that's actually me...but whatever. We'll count it as word one. :) I was just excited to hear him imitate me. Naturally, I made him say it for the camera.

They cut off abruptly because I tried to edit out myself praising him. I think I might sound crazy. ;)


  1. Just loved hearing him say Mama Mama. Sweet little voice. Loved seeing him tonight on Skype and his little hand waving bye bye to us.

  2. That is so great! We've watched it over and over :)

  3. Talking and teeth...soon walking, too! I too will be watching this over and over and showing it to anything that has breath.

  4. Oh my how adorable--- I noticed an orange turkey baster too didn't he used to have a blue one!! He cracks me up!

  5. Oh and by the way you sound like a proud sweet MaMa when you praise him--leave those on it is so sweet!
