Monday, August 10, 2009

Craisinets and Other Random Stuff

Did you know these existed?They do, they're excellent, and you should get some.
Now, on to some Frazier pictures. :) We've been pretty busy this week. We had company Thursday, Friday and Saturday (and I got to go to Wal-Mart and Sonic thanks to the collaborative efforts of Mom and Ross on Thursday!) Then, Mom was back today for a thorough kitchen cleaning (YAY!) and Mae Mae and Pop are coming tomorrow!
Picture #1: Frazier and his newest Wild Thing. I thought it was sweet he actually looked like he was holding it. Mostly he just liked looking at it. Our friend, Corey, who visited Friday has begun Frazier a collection of stuffed characters from Where The Wild Things Are. I love them! So far we have Max and two Wild Things...I think we only lack one more Wild Thing. I adore that book...and these toys! Big thanks to Corey! :)
Pictures #2 and #3: I took these this morning because he got all excited after I dressed him and started flailing his arms and legs. I thought it looked like he was dancing and it almost seemed like he was trying to sing or tell me something. I should have filmed it...but stills are all I got.Happy hands all in the air...Since it appears Frazier did not get the "early to bed, early to rise" gene from me...but rather the "nightowl" gene from Josh...bedtime is something of a small battle every night. We've found, however, that if we lay him in the middle of our bed, and Josh gets out his guitar and our hymnal, we get through maybe two songs before he's out. Also, in an effort to fill our awake time with something worthwhile, I got out these flashcards Frazier's Uncle Ross bought for him. (I think they came from Anthropologie, but I'm sure you can order them from somewhere else, too.) He LOVES looking at them and will do so for an amazingly long time. It's a beautiful thing.
My last picture is one of Frazier and me...because I told Josh all we had were a bunch of pictures of Frazier alone and Frazier with him because I'm the only one who takes them. So this is what I got. At least there's some documentation I was here in the first few weeks of his life. :) I do actually like this picture just because he does this all the time...holds on to my shirt collar. Even when he's sleeping. And I find that amusing.

I intend to keep working on getting some Mom and Frazier pics. I'll keep you apprised. Thanks for visiting...Happy Monday!


  1. Ah I am so excited to be friends!!! I am so glad you said hi!!!! Hows the new baby?! And what kind of art do you do...both your blogs are PRECIOUS!!!!! xoxo

  2. Frazier's Grands thoroughly enjoyed being with you all!

  3. Those flashcards look great...I'm going to have to get some!! And, you look as beautiful as ever holding that sweet boy!!

    You make me feel better about posting alot of pics too, ha. :)
