Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Once upon a time...

...when Frazier was a few weeks newer than he is now, I decided to take a shower while he napped. I got half way through shampooing my hair when I heard him. It started small, but escalated quickly. By the time I rinsed (sort of), wrapped myself up (in a towel that may or may not have been clean) and ran (dripping) across the room to the bassinet, he was in all-out, red-faced, fist-clenched, teaspoonfuls-of-tears, stiff-limbed, gasping-for-air, freak-out mode. Why? I don't know. But as soon as I picked him up he stopped. Completely; instantly.

And that's when I realized.

I. Am. Magic.



  1. Yes you are! It still amazes me that I can have such a power...

    It also amazes me that Frazier, more than any other baby I know or have ever seen, can remind me so much of my Anniston. Maybe I haven't seen many babies, and maybe all baby smirks are pretty much universal, but I'm telling you...they kind of look alike :)...or at least act alike.

  2. You can always help when "all is not well"...until a tree falls on his house two hours away.....you will feel exactly like you did running out of the shower only you won't know what to do. Enjoy every minute of your magic phase of parenthood.
