Saturday, November 7, 2009

Flag Football

For us, fall brings with it not only football season as it pertains to college and professional teams, but also flag football season. Josh has played for the Eastman team since our first year here so this is his fourth season. It only lasts about six weeks (unless there are rainouts or they make it to the playoffs)...basically around 8 games. Josh always looks forward to it. The first year I went and watched him just me. The next year and last year Gatsby and I went to most of them. This year, Frazier and I have made it to two so far...Gatsby doesn't get to go. :(

I was very excited to find that this year, there are two other sweet mommies (whose husbands are also on the team) with new babies (both precious baby girls about a month younger than Frazier) so we have a little group for mommytalk and I've really enjoyed it. Plus the weather thus far hasn't been very cool even in the evenings so it's been nice.

I tried to take some pictures so that I could do a blogpost about what Josh has been up to for a change, but getting action shots at night from a distance isn't that easy. Here are the results: Can you find Josh? In this first one he's the person in the yellow jersey closest to the camera. Frazier and I...proud fans. :)And I took this picture right after we got home because I put this shirt on right before we left for the game and I had to document how wet it was by the time we got home! The games are only an hour long.

The team's record so far is 2 and 3...past years (that Josh could remember) were 4-4, 6-2...maybe we'll win the last 3. :)


  1. GO Eastman!!! I would go if I lived there. Used to be the only Mom at Josh's college flag football games.

    Can you feel any teeth under those gums?Sometimes you can feel them before you actually see them break through.

  2. This looks like fun for Josh and how nice for you to meet some other Moms with wee ones. I think teeth might be in the very near future for our little guy. He is just so darn cute!!
