Saturday, July 11, 2009

40 weeks, 4 days

STILL NO BABY. I think that's the ten zillionth time I've said that. It isn't so much that I'm uncomfortable, though I am. Or that we're just so anxious to meet and see and hold the baby...though I suppose that's true, too. It's more that all this has just gotten extremely old. Being pregnant, not that it ever really was, just isn't fun anymore. We don't really care to talk or speculate about the baby anymore...we've exhausted all those possibilities anyway. There's nothing left to buy or wash or put together for him. I'm tired of telling people we still don't have a baby...that I'm still pregnant...and having them say in return "Oh I know you're so ready!" We say now and then that we're not sure we actually are ready to have an infant 24/7, but we're going to eventually and there's nothing we can do about it so this dragging out is just delaying the inevitable. And it is over 100 degrees everyday and that just makes everything miserable...pregnant or not. People like to say "Well, at least you're still getting some sleep!" Like somehow that makes it better that the baby is late...and like I'm sleeping anyway. I'm actually looking forward to having the baby if for no other reason than I might could sleep two whole hours in a row. I'd love just to hibernate until labor begins. It's frustrating to sit here waiting and fretting...that I'll go into labor today when my doctor isn't on call, that we'll have him on one of the three days of the week a courier can't be sent to collect the cord blood donation, that every day brings us closer to having to induce, and that every day he's late is one less day my Dad will know him before he has to go back to Belgium on the 25th...for who knows how long. :(
Speaking of induction, however, Josh and I (since we really don't want to have to do that) are thinking that at our Monday appointment we may postpone the induction until Thursday. It's hard to justify waiting any longer than that, but that'll give him at least two more days. Just FYI.
And also- I don't know how many times I have to say WE DIDN'T MIND GETTING NAME IDEAS. That was never the problem. The issue was never was that when we mentioned our ideas, some people literally curled their lips and turned up their noses, or did that squinty-eyed "Eh....I don't know" kind of thing, or blatantly made fun, or flat out said they didn't like them, or pulled that slow nod "Oh...o...kay" stunt, or agreed begrudgingly that if we named him such-and-such they guessed they'd call him that, or worse yet said they'd call him something else. I can only imagine (and I'm offering the benefit of a doubt here) that all this was justified in all those heads because we were technically undecided. In any case, we frown on that kind of thing...I don't care how undecided we were. It's hurtful...and like everyone keeps reminding me now (as though I'm overreacting)- no one else's business. It isn't like we went around going "Here's what we're thinking of naming the baby, what do you think?" Other people wanted to know our ideas so we tried to inlcude them...only to get our feelings the point I finally rant about it and then have to apologize for it. So there. I'm am done talking about baby naming and I'm not looking for apologies from anyone in particular. The experience of naming of our first child was an entirely unpleasant one for a lot of reasons...and that just isn't fair, but I'M MOVING ON...and everyone else can too. It's not like we were thinking of naming him Dapper or Orange. Those I'd expect weird reactions to...I'm not unreasonable. :)
Oh- and Happy National Blueberry Muffin Day! Go make some muffins.


  1. Funny to see your comments as I've been checking your blog ... oh ... every 2 hours lately. But not because I'm wondering if you've birthed Soda - just checking on you, and wanting to see your "time of day" clock.
    Or something.

    The first 3/4 of Away We Go was profound. And "Poot Matt" assures he'll take me to see the rest of it if I want. It's definitely a good one for this season of life, but may be a bit much given its closeness to your situation. Who knows? In the end they may end up living at the end of a rainbow in a pot of gold. I have no clue.

    Weird thing about the belly button: it only pops out when I cough, sneeze, laugh. Then it goes right back in. Like its testing the waters, trying to decide if it's going to come out for good, or if I'll spend the rest of my pregnancy looking like I have a beer gut with a big belly button indentation. Bottom line - it terrifies Matt.

    You've got me craving blueberry muffins! Must forage.
    Be well, Randi.

  2. I'm thinking that "go make some muffins" is going to be my new "buzz off" type phrase.

    "Hey, you don't like my baby name-go make some muffins!" Or, let's say someone in a minivan steals my parking spot..."hey lady, go make some muffins!" Thank you for that. You will make a superb mother.

  3. Sounds like you need more than a muffin. How about some cucumber sandwiches? Want me to send you some???? :0)

  4. I have a solution for you the with the next one....ooh...i know farthest thing from your mind!! just pretend you are gaining weight and NO ONE will say a word. LOL

    Ok...did that get a belly to get the baby movin? hope so!!!

    I will be in NYC tomorrow - your big day (on my usual Doc trip)....can't wait for the call...blessings to you both!!! all three of you.
