Sunday, July 5, 2009

Life After Pregnancy

It just sort of hit me, at some point recently, that there will be a day (very soon) when I AM NOT PREGNANT. The notion had been lurking about in the back of my mind for several weeks, as I am aware that no one is pregnant forever. And obviously, I operated under that assumption for the past few months. Afterall, I've prepared for the baby's arrival in every possible way, but to actually have my mind wrapped around the fact that he is going to be wear all these little clothes, use up these diapers, sleep in his bassinett...that is something different altogether. And not only that, but he's going to stay here. When all those diapers are gone and he's outgrown all these little clothes, he's still going to live with me! Like Josh and Gatsby, he'll actually reside right in this house...all the time. It's a weird feeling, to be honest. But it's real to me now. And I'm prepared. I think.


  1. Randi! I'm so excited for you guys and appreciate so much your sweet comments and prayers for us!

    It was strange going from having Anniston inside of me to having thoughts such as: "did this baby really come out of me?" "am I really capable of doing this mom-thing?" BUT, as much as I don't have everything together as I had once hoped, I do come close to promising that this new role will (as cliche as it sounds) come naturally. You've already proven to be a wonderful mom by doing such a great job of preparing for your little man.

    ALSO, his room is precious!! You've created the perfect haven for your sweet boy! I love the mural and the glider!

    I can't wait to see your handsome little fellow as I know you are especially eagerly and excitedly awaiting his arrival! I will be thinking about and praying for you guys in the coming days!

  2. I remember coming to the same awareness and really being sorta sad. It was the end of something. After all I enjoyed having this little buddy riding around in there where I was sure he was safe and I could feel his hiccups....which was a fairly common occurance and his kicks letting me know he was healthy and strong. Although it was great to finally meet him fact to face, I missed "inside Josh". I also found out other moms had these same feelings....good to know it is normal. Thankfully it didn't last because I was too busy having a lot of fun with "outside Josh". You're gonna love everything about being a mom.
