Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Any Day Now

So I took another picture...39 weeks 1 day. I haven't done many belly shots throughout this process because I don't really think that necessary, but I did want to have some documentation of me when I was the biggest I'll be. Which means I keep having to rephotograph myself every week the baby still isn't here! (And yes, I cut my hair...again...and that dress is one of the two things that still fit me, hence the same outfit in both recent pics!) Anyway, I'm praying he comes before Monday (since that's my next appointment and I know then I'll have to make a decision about waiting some more or inducing). And because it's REALLY HOT HERE! Like, over 100 everyday. Last appointment (and really the two before that) revealed I'm all ready for labor (3 cm, 80% effaced) and he's been very low for a couple of weeks. So if I'd just have some regular contractions maybe he'd COME ON OUT!
I was very glad, however, to have made it past Sunday (without going into labor, I mean)because some of the ladies from our church and some of my new friends from MOPS had a shower for me! I was totally overwhelmed by the kindness and genorosity of so many people I've only just met. There was an incredible turn-out and we played games and there was great food and we got so many wonderful things I really couldn't have asked for a nicer Sunday afternoon! I really wanted to post pictures, but they're all on Mom's camera and I don't have them yet. Josh and I felt so very blessed by the whole thing. I've already organized all the new gifts, washed another load of baby laundry and have it all ready to use and I mailed off the Thank Yous today so again, I'm caught up. My mom was over last Friday to help me clean house (my bathroom looks new!) and then she and Mae Mae and Pop came back today and we had lunch and they helped clean some more as well as cleaning up the front patio and trimming some plants. Now everything is perfect! Just waiting on Soda!!
We'll keep you posted (no pun intended!)
Much love,
Randi, Josh, Gatsby, and Soda

1 comment:

  1. It conforts me to know the people of God are scattered across the world and no matter where we land we are among family.

    Yes, I too am anxious for Soda to make his grand entrance....not as anxious as you and Josh are!

    You look so healthy!!! Like your hair.
