Wednesday, July 8, 2009

D-day Plus 1

So- the due date came and went entirely uneventful. I spent most of it in a complete funk. I just knew from the minute I got up that yesterday just wasn't going to be the day. I ventured out once to Hobby Lobby, but for the most part Gatsby and I slept much of the day away. At least then I wasn't awake and frustrated. Plus I didn't feel that didn't help. Today dawned a bit better, and I have no real feelings about what might happen. On the positive side, it seems I was actually right about something for once. I predicted he'd be late. I decided that maybe if I started a project, like just made a mess and got right in the big middle of something, I'd go into labor. So I got out all this stuff I'd bought a long time ago to decorate a photo album/baby book. I haven't done it yet because I was waiting on his name...which we have, but I'm not discussing. Because the ONLY thing I've learned from the whole naming experience (besides the fact that it is ABSOLUTELY NO FUN) is that I care even less what people think than I thought I did (and that wasn't very much) and we have mutually decided that we will NEVER again tell ANYONE ANYTHING about names in the future. So be forewarned...our subsequent children will remain COMPLETELY nameless until the day they are born as far as any of you will know.
Anyway, I've already finished the cover of the baby book and cleaned up the mess and still no baby. So it seems I'm going to have to come up with something else. Or take a nap. :)
Hope to be back soon with better news...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Randi, Whatever his name will be will be fine. He is your's and Josh's baby so that means you have the right to name him what you both want. So there. Know it's tough to be waiting now that the due date is past. He will be here soon. God Bless,, Nama

  3. You are so right, it is your's and Josh's job to agree on the sweet baby's name that you both like and think will fit him well. I also agree, it was a pain and why I finally gave the job over to Jim. I was slap worn out. Just think Josh was nearly "Tristan".

    Hey, I have been praying today would be the day. 07-08-09 is a very cool birthday! There is still time left today!

  4. For the record: I was for your choice from the get-go. For the record.

  5. I am sorry to break it to you...but even if you don't talk about baby names with the next one....people will still offer plenty of suggestions....just like people wanted to touch my belly for good luck...complete strangers....I think it is part of the process. In the end, your baby is yours to love and cherish and name. In the end, all the people with all those suggestions will love your baby too.

    All will be fine and his name will be perfect.
